Ancestors of Michael Howard Ulph SMITH, born 1954.


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71517162083985653760. Nazar IBN MA'ADD [118661] .

Nazar married Sawda BINT AKK [118662]. Another name for Sawda is Saudah.

The child from this marriage was:

35758581041992826880        i.  Modhar IBN NIZAR [118659] (born in 0031 B.C.)

71517162083985653761. Sawda BINT AKK [118662] . Another name for Sawda is Saudah.

Sawda married Nazar IBN MA'ADD [118661].

71517162083985653764. Imran IBN AL-HAFI [118679] .

Imran married Dariya AL-FARAS [118678].

The child from this marriage was:

35758581041992826882        i.  Hulwan IBN AL-HAF [118677]

71517162083985653765. Dariya AL-FARAS [118678], daughter of Rabi'ah IBN NIZAR [118681] and Umm Al-Asbu BINT AL-HAFI (of Arabia) [118680].

Dariya married Imran IBN AL-HAFI [118679]. picture

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